Some Timelines of Recent History
Last Updated: 6-27-2005
Qajar Dynasty
1813 - Treaty of Gulistan. Humiliating treaty exacted by Russians on Fath Ali Shah after "easily defeat Iran's faction ridden tribal contingents" with the help of modern artillery. (Abrahamian, 1982, p.51)
1820 - 80 staff members of Russian Mission in Tehran killed by mob. Following insolent behavior of Russian envoy Griboyedov (in town to enact aforementioned humiliating treaty) and his drunken cossack bodyguards (who wander Tehran looking for Christian slaves to liberate), an enraged mob from the bazaar attacks the Russian Mission, loots it and kills "80 of its staff." Abrahamian dates this event as the beginning of xenophobia in Iran.(Abrahamian, 1982, p.71-2)
1828 - Treaty of Turkomanshai. Another humiliating treaty exacted by Russians. "As a result of the two treaties Iran losses Georgia, Armenia, and their Capsian navy, gives up claims to Afghanistan and pays an indeminity of 3 million pounds to the tsar." and worst of all "grants a series of commericial capitulations." (Abrahamian, 1982, p.51)
1857 - Treaty of Paris. Grants a "commercial capitulations" to Britian. Enables UK to "open a consular and commercial offices anywhere they wish and exempts their merchants not only from high import duties but also from internal tariffs, local travel restrictions, and juristiction of shari'a law courts." (Russia also gets this deal.) (Abrahamian, 1982, p.51)
1872 - Baron Julius de Reuter purchases "for 40,000 pounds and 60% of the profits from a concession on the customs the exclusive right to finance a state bank, farm out the entire customs, exploit all minerals (with the exception of gold, silver and precious stones), build railways and tramways for 70 years and establish all future canals, irrigation works, roads, telegraph lines, and industrial factories." Concession arrouses "so much opposition in Iran and Russia" that it is cancelled. (Abrahamian, 1982, p.55)
1891 - April Tobacco Crisis starts. Bazaar in Shiraz is shut down in protest after Naser al-Din Shah grants a 50-year monopoly over the distribution and exportation of tobacco to Major Talbot, an Englishman for 25,000 pounds to the Shah personally and 15,000 pounds a year to the state. Unprecedented nation wide anti-imperialist action. "Dress rehearsal for the ... Constitutional Revoltuion." (Abrahamian, 1982, p.73)
1896 - Naser al-Din Shah shot dead in Adbul Azim Mosque by a bankrupt trader who had studied under Jamal al-Din al-Afghani. (Abrahamian, 1982, p.74)
1896 - New monarch, Muzaffar al-Din Shah "inadvertently hastens the end of the regime by pursuing unpopular economic policies" increasing rarriffs on native merchhants, withdrawing tax farms, decreasing court pensions, especially to the ulama, and reopening the country to foreign entrpreneurs. (Abrahamian, 1982, p.74)
1900 Imports to Iran reach 5 million pounds in value. Iran now "well on the way to towards incorporation into the European network of international commerce." ((Abrahamian, 1982, p.52)
Iran suffers 600% price rise between 1850 and 1900 caused "mainly by a drastic fall in the international market value of silver" (Abrahamian, 1982, p.56)
Constitutional Revolution of Iran
1900 - Shah Muzaffar ed-Din finances a royal tour of Europe by borrowing 22 million rubles from Russia. Iranian customs receipts served as collateral. (Mackey p.150-55)
1905 - Iranian Tariffs collected to pay back Russian loan. Protest breaks out. Merchants close the bazaar. (Mackey p.150-55)
1906 January 12 - Basti (protestors who take sanctuary in mosques) return in triumph riding royal carriages hailed by jubilant crowd, following Shah de-Din agreeing to dismiss his prime minister and to surrender absolute power to a new "house of justice," aka parliament. Shah later balks at keeping promise. (Mackey p.150-55)
1906 June 17 - Iranian Cossack troops fire into crowd of demonstrators protesting the arrest of a mullah. Talabeh named Sayyid Abdul Hamid killed.
1906 Summer -
Protest against killing of Talabeh confronts Cossaks 22 protesters killed, 100 injured. Bazaar closes once again. Ulema go on strike, taking sanctuary in Qom. British agree to offer protection to Basti in their legation. Over several weeks some 14,000 Tehranis congregate in legation garden holding a general strike and convening a `vast open-air school of political science` studying constitutionalism. (Abrahamian (1982) p.84)
1906 October 7 - inauguration of the Majlis. In one of his last acts as king, ailing Muzaffar ed-Din Shah attends inauguration. (Mackey p.150-55)
1907 January - Muzzaffar's son Muhammad Ali, the 6th Qajar shah comes to power. Moves to "exploit the divisions within the ranks of the reformers" and get rid of Majlis. (Mackey p.150-55)
1907 August - Anglo-Russian agreement divides Iran into a Russian zone in the North and a British zone in the South." British abandon Constitutionalists, switch support to Shah.
(Mackey p.150-55)
1908 June 23 - First Majlis shut down. Shoot out at Sepahsalar Mosque between remaining supporters of Majlis and pro-Shah troops under command of Russian officers. After six hours the building (Sepahsalar?) is destroyed. (Mackey p.150-55) Over 250 killed in the fighting according to British. Majlis supporters arrested, sent to prison and/or executed in various ways. (Abrahamian (1982), p.9)6
1909 April 29 - Pro-constitutionalist in Tabriz are broken by Russian troops. Revolts continue elsewhere in Iran. (Mackey p.150-55)
1909 - Ulema in Najaf give religious sanction to the constitution. (Mackey p.150-55)
1909 July 13 - Two pro-constitution rebel armies of Bakhtiari tribesmen and Caucasian guerillas converge on Tehran were Russians have lost interest and left. Majlis supporters open the city gates to rebels. Muhammad Ali Shah flees to Russian legation. Anti-Constitutionalist Mullah Fazlollah Nuri hanged.
(Abrahamian (1982) p.100, Mackey p.150-55)
1909 November - Second Majlis convened.
1911 - Second Majlis expires from "internal dissension, apathy of the masses, antagonisms from the upper class, and open enmity from Britain and Russia." (Mackey p.150-55) Provinces "torn apart by tribal convulsions." Looting and chaos by tribes who support the king. (Abrahamian (1982), p.107)
1911 November - British troops land in Iran and race to Shiraz and Isfahan to restore order under attack by tribes. (Abrahamian (1982), p.108)
1911 December 24 - Second Majlis shut down.. "The shah's cabinet, backed by 12,000 Russian troops in northern Iran, executes a coup d'etat against the Majlis." Deputies are "roughly expelled and threatened with death if they return." Majlis closed. (Mackey p.150-55)
Reza Shah: Rise, Reign and Fall
1921 February - British demand command of Persian Army's Cossack Division from the weak Persian Qajar government. Claim they need it to counteract Bolshevik moves in north. "Before the government can say yes," Reza Khan leads revolt and marches on Tehran. (Mackey p.166)
1921 February 21 - Cossacks under Reza Khan arrive in Tehran. Cabinet arrested. Cowering Sultan Ahmed Shah appoints Reza Khan commander of armed forces. (Mackey p.167)
1921 December - 1923 - Reza Khan moves to crush separatist rebellions in Azerbaijan and Khorasan and Bolsheviks in Gilan. Gains enormous prestige among Persians as unifier of the nation. (Mackey p.167-8)
1925 October 31 - Majlis votes to give Peacock throne to Reza Khan. (Mackey p.170)
1926 April 25 - Reza Shah coronated. (Mackey p.170)
1927 October 15 - Groundbreaking for new Tehran railway station. "Centerpiece of the shah's plan of progress and prosperity for Iran, the [$125 million Persian Gulf to Caspian Sea] railroad is built without foreign loans, by foreign technicians from countries with no historic interest in Iran - principally Germany, Scandinavia and the United States." (Mackey p.173)
1927 - New civil code. Seeks to reconcile the Quran and the Code Napoleon. Shariah loses out in criminal and property title law. Restricted mostly to marriage, divorce, and wills.
1928 March - Mullah in Qom horsewhipped by Shah as punishment for angrily admonishing Reza Shah's wife. Reza Shah's wife had temporarily exposing her face the day earlier while on pilgrimage. (Mackey p.181)
1928 December - Uniformity of dress law. Requires everyone except Shia jurisconsults who had passed a special qualifying examination to wear Western clothes. (Mackey p.184)
1929 - Self-flagellation during Ashura forbidden.
1932 - Original oil concession with British canceled. Had paid Iran only 16% of the profits on Iranian crude of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. (p.194)
1934 - Mixing of the sexes. Law sets heavy fines for cinemas, restaurant, hotels that do not open doors to both sexes. (Mackey p.182)
1935 June - Troops enter the shrine of Imam Reza at Mashad, one of Shi'ism's holiest religous centers, to break up prayer meetings under way to protest Reza Shah's secularizing measures. The troops bring in heavy artillery and open fire killing (either) dozens and injuring hundreds, (Bakhash p.22) or "no more than 10 or 12" (Taheri p.94-5). "Final rupture between Shi'ite clergy and the Shah. From then on it was total war."
1936 - State judicial system requires all state judges hold a law degree from Tehran University or from a foreign university. Since most clerics do not, most are expelled from the judicial system. (Mackey p.179)
1936 - Women wearing the veil banned from cinema houses and public baths by law. (Mackey p.182)
1938 August 26 - Railroad linking Caspian Sea with Persian Gulf complete. (Mackey p.173)
1941 August 25 - World War II. British and Russians move and depose Axis-leading Shah to secure railway to supply Russia. (Mackey p.185)
1941 Sept 16 - Reza Shah resigns, and delivers resignation statement. (Mackey p.185)
1944 - Shah dies in South Africa. (p.186)
Mossadeq: Rise, Premiership and Fall
- 1925 - Mossadeq opposes Coronation of Reza Shah. (Mackey p.187-210)
- 1930s - Hounded from public life by powerful Reza Shah. (Mackey p.187-210)
- 1941 - Reza Shah gone. Mossadeq re-emerges as popular hero. (Mackey p.187-210)
- 1946-9 - National Front emerges. (Mackey p.196)
- 1949 September - Supplemental Agreement granted somewhat better terms than those negotiated by Reza Shah in 1932. (Mackey p.187-210)
- 1950 November 25 - Supplemental Agreement rejected by Mossadeq chaired commission as too little. (Mackey p.198)
- 1951 March 7 - Prime Minister Rezmara assassinated (by Fadaiyan-e Isalm). Mossadeq "fills the void."
(Mackey p.187-210)
- 1951 March 15 - Majlis nationalizes the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (Mackey)
- 1951 April 29 - Mossadeq voted Prime Minister. Basks in acclaim of "respect, devotion, loyalty" by Iranians. (Mackey p.199)
- 1951 June - Mossadeq sends "committee to Khuzistan to take over the oil installations" there. (Abrahamian p.268)
- 1951 June - Mossadeq breaks off negotiations with AIOC when the latter threatens "to pull out its employees." (Abrahamian p.268)
- 1951 September - AIOC evacuates its technicians and closes down the oil installations, while the British government reinforces its naval force in the Goulf and lodges comkplainst against Iran before the United Nations Security Council. (Abrahamian p.268)
- 1952 - Oil production falls from lack of maintenance and boycott engineered by AIOC. Mossadeq appeals to United States to mediate. (Mackey p.201)
- 1952 July 16 - Mossadeq nominates his own War Minister, shah refuses to accept his nomination. Mossadeq then resigns and appeals to the general public for support. After Shah dismisses Mossadeq and appoints another prime minister, the National Front -- supported by the Tudeh -- calls for protest striks and mass demonstrations in favor of Mosseadeq. (Abrahamian p.270-1)
- 1952 July 21 (Siyeh-i Tir) - After five days of mass demonstrations, 29 killed in Tehran, and signs of dissension in the army," the Shah backs down and asks Mossadeq to form a new government. (Abrahamian p.270)
- 1952 July 23(?) - Mossadeq asks majlis for "absolute powers for himself for a period of six months." (Mackey p.202) Mossadeq goes after the Shah, cutting his budget, forbidding him to communicate directly with foreign diplomats, transferring royal lands back to the state, expelling his sister, etc. (Abrahamian p.272)
- 1953 May - Mossadeq under siege. Tudeh party gives support with "hard-knuckle tactics that employ thugs ... lawlessness."
- 1953 July 23(?) - Mossadeq asks majlis to extend "absolute powers for another 12 months. He then pushes through leftish reforms of progressive taxation and increases in peasants shares of production. (Abrahamian p.273)
- 1953 early August - Majles votes down his reforms, Mossaq calls for a national referendum to "legitimize the dissolution."
- 1953 August 10 - referendum give Mossadeq authority to dissolve parliament. (Mackey p.205) Vote has separately placed ballot boxes for yes or no ballots. Yes wins overwhelmingly. (Abrahamian p.273-4)
- 1953 mid-August - Mossadeq now appears to be in full control but is lossing popularity to dwindling oil revenues, increasing unemployment, rising consumer inflation. (Abrahamian p.274)
- 1953 Summer - Head of CIA Allen Dulles, U.S. ambassador to Iran Loy Henderson, and Princess Ashraf meet in Switzerland. (Mackey p.204)
- 1953 August - Ayatollah Kashani (crucial supporter) formally deserts Mossadeq (Mackey)
- 1953 August 13 - Shah tells Mossadeq he has been removed as prime minister. Mossadeq defies Shah, arrests messenger.
- 1953 August 16 - coup against Mossadeq fails. Shah flees Iran. (Mackey p.205)
- 1953 August 18 - Shah arrives in Rome without any money or entourage. In Tehran pro-Shah rent-a-mob hired by Americans fights Mossadeq demonstrators. Operation Ajax. "At least 300 people die." By nightfall Mossadeq flees palace.
(Mackey p.206)
- 1953 August - Shah returns to Iran.
- 1953 August 20 - Mossadeq arrested. (Mackey)
- 1957? - Mossadeq released from prison after 3 year stay.
- 1967 - Mossadeq dies. (Mackey p.208)
Khomeini's Early Years
1902 September 24 - Khomeini born in Khomein, a small town near Isfahan. (Moin p.2)
1903 March - Khomeini's father Mostafa murdered. Reason for murder uncertain. (Moin p.6-7)
1919(?) - Khomeini enters the seminary of Sheikh Abdolkarim Ha'eri (known for his asceticism, piety and aversion to political activism) at Sultanabad-Arak (only 40 km from his home town) at the age of 17. (Moin p.22-3)
1922 Summer - Khomeini follows Ha'eri to a new theological centre at Qom. (Moin p.25)
1930 Spring - Khomeini and other Talabeh go on a pilgrimage to Mashhad traveling by back roads to avoid Tehran and turban-snatching anticlerical soldiers of Reza Shah. Khomeini empressed by the piety of the poor and the anti-clericalism of many bazaaris. (Taheri p.84)
1930 Late Summer - Khomeini marries Batul, the 10-year-old daughter of wealthy Ayatollah Sazafi. A suitable and happy match that produces (at least) two sons and two daughters. (Taheri p.90-91)
1935 - Khomeini becomes fully-qualified mojtahed around this time at the remarkably early age of 32 or 33. (Moin p.36) But when Khomeini's teacher Sheikh Abdolkarim Ha'eri dies, Khomeini attempts to fill his shoes are frustrated by the Qom clerical heirarchy. Khomeini is "deprived of his seminary" and ends up working as a tutor. (Taheri p.93)
1935 - Official name of country is changed from Persia to Iran. (BBC News, )
1937 - Goes on Hajj. Stops in Najaf on the way back and meets Mohammad Nawab-Safavi, proponent of the purification of Islam by assassination of "corrupting individuals" (Taheri p.98)
Khomeini's Rise and Exile
1958 - "Khomeini was commonly included among the top twelve ayatollahs of the day as early as 1958." (p.117 Taheri)
1960 - Khomeini published Towzihih-e Masail, `Explication of Problems.` "it's publication gave Ruhollah Khomeini the status of ayatollah." (p.224 Mackay)
1962 - Leading Grand Ayatollah Ayatollah Borujerdi, who Khomeini had supported, dies. Khomeini is again unable to advance in heirachy. (Taheri p.116-8) Khomeini decides to emphasise political outreach to the masses and promotion of martyrdom and leadership of fuqaha, setting aside poetry and mysticism. (Taheri p.121)
1962 October 8 - Local council election bill. Bill introduced by Shah's government allows women to vote for the first time and non-Muslims to run for councils. Khomeini organizes opposition. Persuades two other leading Ayatollahs (Shari'atmadrai and Golpayegani) to draft letters of protest against the new legislation. Protest builds inspired by jamai khattba sermons.
1962 November, middle - Government backs down part way. Prime minister Alam abandons allowing non-Muslim council members and delays question of female franchise, leaving it to the new parliament.
1962 November late(?) - Religious pressure continues, government backs down completely, abandons local council bill. Khomeini emerges from fight as "the regime's principal political foe" and "undisputed spiritual leader of ... bazaari activists." [Moin p.81]
1963 January - White Revolution. Plan introduced for six-point reform bill by Shah's government, aka the White Revolution, to be put to a nation-wide referendum vote. Six point include agrarian land reform, industrial privatization and profit sharing, women's suffrage, and a rural literacy corp. [Moin p.83]
1963 January 23 - Strike (Bazaar shut down) organized by Khomeini's network to pressurise the apolitical conservative clergy to oppose Shah's plan. Quietist Ayatollah Khonsari agrees to march but is injured by police and prevented from joining a large demonstration at Seyyed Azizollah Mosque. [Moin p.86]
1963 January 24 - Visit by Shah to Qom for land reform ceremony. Strike/boycott of schools and bazaar in Qom organized by Khomeini's network against it. Shah closes his ceremony presenting land deed to peasants with an angry, "undignified," ungrammatical, impromptu anti-clerical speech. [Moin p.88]
1963 January 26 - Referendum held. Government declares it a resounding success. [Moin p.88]
1963 March 22 - Police retaliation at Feiziyeh Qom. Pilgrims in Qom for ceremonies of remembrance for the death of the sixth Imam, Ja'far al-Sadeq, are infiltrated by muscular plainclothes dressed as workers and peasants. Imperial Guard First Division of the Signal Battalion also in attendance. Plainclothes disrupt sermon. Fight breaks out at Feiziyeh School of Theology. Security attack Talabeh. Talabeh climb to roof of school and throw missiles at security forces. Policeman killed, others injured. Police retreat but then counterattack shooting to kill. Police rampage, ransacking rooms, burning clerical turbans and cloaks, beating clerics and students. [Moin p.93-94] Defiant Khomeini speech comparing Shah to Genghis Khan copied and spread widely by his supporters. Khomeini status as opposition leader further enhanced. [Moin p.95-6] Khomeini blames Israel for tragedy. [Moin p.99]
1963 April (early) - Conscription of clerical students at Qom. Seminarians (who were formerly exempt from military service) grabbed off the street by police and sent to barracks. [Moin p.97] Effort backfires and brings religiosity and political dissent to military [Moin p.98]
1963 April - the Shah entered Qom "launched a bitter attack on the Mullahs." Later, "recieving the few genuine mullahs who had risked their reputation by going to meet him, the Shah went even further an accused all mullahs of being `sodomites and agents of the British`." Mullahs are appalled and united to denounce remarks. (Taheri p.136)
1963 May 24-June 2 - First ten days of Moharram, (month commemorating of the martyrdom of Hossein). Anti-Khomeini students and cleric preachers spread throughout the country to preach in mosques. Khomeini preaches in a different mosque every night. [Moin p.101]
1963 June 3 - Ashura (tenth day) of Moharram, the anniversary of Imam Hoseyn's martyrdom, Khomeini faces down Shah's security forces making his way to Feiziyeh school [Brumberg, p.74] where he gives a 'fiery' sermon to thousands of supporters [Moin p.102-03] calling the Shah a "wretched miserable man" [Moin p.104] and asking whether the Shah is an "infidel" jew [Brumberg, p.74]. In Tehran, 100,000 people march chanting "death to the dictator."
1963 June 4 - Demonstrations and slogans repeated. 100s arrested. [Moin p.106]
1963 June 5 - Khomeini arrested. Commandos descend on Khomeini's house before sunrise, haul him away. [p.107-08] Riots in Qom ensue. Chant "Khomeini or death." Government unprepared. 28 people killed by automatic gunfire. Khomeini supporters claim 100s killed. In Tehran government buildings are attacked. Police overwhelmed, run out of bullets shooting at demonstrators. Uprising spreads to Mashhad, Qom, Isfahan and Shiraz. [Moin p.111] Shah's blames foreign agents including Nasser of Egypt. [p.115]
1963 June 6 - Martial law ordered as arrest sparks riots. Tanks guard government buildings. Police files indicate 380 were killed. [Moin p.112] "7000 troops wielding the club of martial law" needed to restore order. [Mackay p.226]
1963 June-August? - Khomeini in custody, questioned (he disdainfully refuses to answer), then kept in a Savak house and allowed to receive visitors for one day. Then moved to another location in Tehran kept under house arrest.
1964 April 7 - Khomeini released.Khomeini allowed to return to Qom. Resolution read by theological students calling for shari'ah including stoning, amputation of hands, etc. But secular leadership vacuum causes "young, secular activists" drawn to be drawn to him. Khomeini emphasises political and economic independence, unemployment, corruption, health and education, anti-Zionism. [Moin p.119-120]
1964 Autumn - "Capitulations." Government secretly forces "bill through parliament extending diplomatic immunity to American military personnel, placing them outside the jurisdiction of Iranian courts for any civil or criminal act perpetrated by them." Reminder of British domination [Moin p.121]
1964 October 27 - Khomeini sermon attacks capitulations: "Our government has sold our independence, reduced us to the level of a colony..." [p.121-3] Government is deeply embarrassed. Prime Minister Mansur flounders. Khomeini's status as national political leader further enhanced. [Moin p.127]
1964 November 4 - Exile. Khomeini arrested. Driven to airport and put on plane to Turkey. [Moin p.127-8] Lives in Bursa Turkey with Colonel Ali Cetiner of Turkish Military Intelligence and his family. Writes Tahrir al-Wasilah.
Events Leading Up to the Islamic Revolution,
1965 January 21 - Prime Minister Mansur assassinated. Killing carried out by the Coalition of Islamic Societies, the bazaar-based religious organisation that had been established at Khomeini's behest during the 1963 uprising. (Moin p.161)
1965 October 6 - Khomeini sent from Turkey to Iraq to live in Najaf. Argues with the senior ayatollah there, quietist Ayatollah Mohsen Hakim (who dies 1970 June 2). Iraqi Ba'ath party harasses and oppresses Shi'i, Khomeini "shrewdly" decides to stay "aloof from both Iraqi politics and the religious politics of the holy cities." (Moin p.145)
1967 October 26 - Shah corninated Emperor at the age of 48 in a magnificent display of pomp. (Mackay p.230)
1969 - Mohammad Taqi Shari'ati publishes his book Eslamshenaisi arguing Islam is inherently egalitarian. Although Khomeini disagreed with Shari'ati, he doesn't publicize his differences. (Moin p.177) The enormously popularity of Shari'ati's books and lectures among modernized, educated Iranians helps bridge the gap between leftist and the Islamic fundamentalist opposition to the Shah. (Moin p.172-73)
1970 January 21-February 8 - Khomeini delivers a series of lectures on the Islamic state that became the theological foundation of the future Islamic Republic. Velayat-e Faqih: Hokumat-e Islami (Lecture is delivered in Persian so the Ba'ath security do not understand what is said and interfere.) (Mackey p.233, Moin p.152-3)
1971 - Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi hosts "the world's most magnificent party" in Persepolis to commemorate 2500 years of Persian civilization. "Under massive yellow-and-white tents, presidents and princes from 69 countries drank premier classe French wine out of Baccarat crystal and feasted on caviar and roast quail catered by Maxims in Paris. At a cost of at least $200 million, the celebration was billed as the `greatest gathering of heads of state in history.`
"The Persepolis fete, however came at a time of drought in the provinces of Baluchistan and Sistan, as well as in Fars, where the celebrations was held. As the foreigners reveled on drink forbidden by Islam, Iranians were not only excluded from the festivities, some were starving." (Wright, p.220)
1971 March 1 - British soldiers and naval vessels withdraw from the Persian Gulf. Shah quickly fills the military vacuum. (Makay p.242)
1972-78 - Hit-and-run guerilla attacks of Feday'an-e Khalq and Mojahedin-e Khalq-e Iran inspire many of the educated young who see them as the vanguard in fight for justice. [Moin p.165] Khomeini's Coalition of Islamic Societies builds network of schools. Unlike the left they are left relatively unmolested by SAVAK, although they also undermine the prestige and influence of the Shah. (p.180)
1975 March - Shah makes a "major blunder" establishing the Hizb-i Rastakhiz or Resurgence Party, an "all-embracing one-party system," in an attempt to make his regime more activist and "progressive." The "whole adult population" is required to join the party or "leave the country." (Moin p.174) Party seriously alienates the bazaari class with fines, bans and jailings. (Abrahamian p.498)
1976 October 26 - Economic slowdown follows hyperboom. Shah calls on Iranians to "work harder and be prepared for sacrifices." (Kayhan International in Graham p.103)
1977 January - Jimmy Carter elected. Office of Human Rights established in State Department. "Polite reminder" sent to Shah of the importance of human rights. (Moin p.182-3)
1977 February - Shah's regime "amnesties 357 political prisoners" signaling the beginning of a campaign "to relax police controls" in reponse to bad PR in the West and pressure from the U.S. (Abrahamian, (2000), p.500-1)
1977 May - 53 lawyers send an open letter to the imperial palace accusing "the government of interfering in court proceedings and announced the formation of a special commission to protect the judiciary." Event marks "the first time since 1963 that a group inside Iran had dared to denounce the regime," and initiates "an intense campaign of protest through public communiques." (Abrahamian, (1983), p.502)
1977 June 19 - Ali Shari'ati, "a mesmerising speaker whose fusion of Islam and various elements of Western thought, especially Marxism" drew large numbers of young educated Iranians to revolutionary Islam, dies in England of a heart attack shortly after serving time in an Iranian prison (from Autumn 1973-March 1975). Many consider the death a SAVAK assasination. (Moin p.173-74) (
1977 August 7 - New prime minister. "Long serving" Prime Minister Amir Abbas Haveida replaced with Jamshid Amuzegar. A "cosmetic change" but also "first crack in the solid wall of `stability` and continuity in the Pahlavi regime." (Moin p.183)
1977 October 9 - Start of Islamist attacks on the regime. Students demanding segregation of women on University of Tehran campus go on rampage, smashing windows and burning buses. (Mackey p.267)
1977 October 23 - Khomeini's son Mostafa dies "apparently of a heart attack". SAVAK blamed by anti-Shah groups who call him a `martyr.` (Moin p.184)
1977 October 26 - Service in Tehran for Mostafa. Puts Khomeini back in the spotlight where he becomes a rallying point for Shah opponents. Begins the snowballing of his support as "the Shah's leading opponent." (Moin p.185, Taheri p.183)
1977 November 15 - Shah prestige damaged during state visit to U.S. Noisy, militant demonstration outside the White House by Confederation of Iranian Students prompts police to use tear gas, which drifts across the street to the White House causing both the shah and President Carter's eyes to tear as the event is broadcast on Iranian television.
(Moin, p.185)
1977 November 19 - First secular protest of the revolution. Police attempt to disband a writers conference at Aryamehr University were 10,000 people are listening to poetry readings. Incites "angry crowd to march out of the campus into the streets shouting antiregime slogans." One student killed, over 70 were insured, and some 1000 were arrested. (Abrahamian (1982), p.505)
1977 December - Khomeini issues Fatwa mailed to newspapers and mullahs throughout Iran declaring that he is `exercising my religious authority` and had `deposed the Shah and abrogated the Constitution.` Orders the faithful to not pay taxes or obey laws of the Taghut (Taheri 1985, p.171-2)
1978 January 6 - Personal insults against Khomeini spark chain of protests. Article appears in Ettela'at under the title `Black and Red Imperialism` accusing him of homosexuality and other misdeeds. Condemned by senior Ayatollahs. Demonstrations start in Qom. At least six demonstrators killed. Begins "unstoppable chain reaction" of mourning, followed by disturbances, followed by more deaths of demonstrators. (Moin p.186-7) "According to the government, two were killed in the clash [in Qom]; according to the opposition, 70 were killed and over 500 injured." (Abrahamian (1982), p.505)
Riots break "the barrier of fear" of the disgruntled public for the Shah's security apparatus. Hereafter demostrators "face the army fearlessly." (Graham, p.222, 228)
1978 May 10 - More bloody demonstrations marking the 40th day cycle of observance of earlier demonstrators deaths. Ayatollah Kazem Shariatmadari, a leading cleric and quietist, joins opposition to the Shah after commandos "burst into" his home in Qom and shoot dead one of his followers right in front of him. (Mackey p.279)
1978 June 6 - Head of SAVAK dismissed. "First significant conscession to the unrest." (Harney p.14)
1978 June 20 - Temporary lull. 40th day cycle of marking demonstration deaths passes with little violence, thanks to calls by Shariatmadari's for observance in mosques not on the streets. Inflation subsiding. Regime's carrot and stick and anti-inflation measures seem to be working. (Abrahamian (1982), p.510)
1978 August 6 - Shah pledges free elections by June 1979 in broadcast. (Harney p.14)
1978 August 19 - 477 die in arson fire at a cinema in Abadan. Regime and opposition blame each other. People believe opposition. Prime Minister Amuzegar jettisoned. (Moin p.187)
1978 August (late) - New prime minister Sharif Emami reverses some of the Shah's policies. Closes casinos (owned by Pahlavi Foundation). Abolishes imperial calendar. Declares all political parties have the right to be active. "Too little, too late." (Moin p.187)
1978 September 4 - Mass march at Eid al-Fitr of hundreds of thousands in Tehran by Khomeini supporters. (Rubin)
1978 September 7 - Even more massive march in Tehran (at least several hundred thousand. Suporters claim four million). Demonstration is first to popularize slogans calling for an Islamic Republic. Shah responds by imposing martial law. (Rubin)
1978 September 8 - Black Friday. Soldiers fire at demonstrators gathered in Jaleh Square, many killed. (Rumors sweep the country of thousands killed, post-revolutionary investigations confirm 87 dead.) Government discredited. Compromise between regime and opposition closed off. Shah's cancer worsens while he is "left with no adviser to trust." Seeks advise from American and British ambassadors (Rubin, Moin p.188)
1978 October 12 - Pressured by Iraq (which was pressured by Iran) to tone down anti-compromise rhetoric, Khomeini leaves Najaf Iraq for Paris. There he is readily accessible to the press and to throngs of supporters. (Moin p.189)
1978 October 16 - Fortieth day following Black Friday. More demonstrations and bloodshed. "A rapid sucession of strikes cripple almost all the bazaars, universities, high schools, oil installations, banks, government ministries, post offices, railways, newspapers, customs and post facilities," etc. and "seal the Shah's fate." (Abrahamian (1982), p.518; Moin p.189) Cities are dominated by leftist and Mosaddeqist groups. The countryside by Khomeini's network. Turmoil stretches security forces to the limit. (Rubin, Moin p.194)
1978 November - "All public services - transport, telcommunications, customs, ports and fuel supplies - [are] either paralysed or semi-paralysed" by strikes. (Graham p.236) Shah replaces his conciliatory prime minister Sharif Emami with military government of General Ashari. In France, Khomeini is "careful to sidestep in public the issue of the nature of an Islamic state," never mentioning velyat-e faqih. Woos younger officers by appealing to their religious zeal and patriotism. (Taheri)
1978 November 4 - Destructive riots. Frustrated by Shah's unsuccessful attempts at conciliation with his opponents, military hardliners decide to order troops "to stand aside and allow mobs to burn and destroy to their hearts' content." Thousands of shops, banks, restaurants and other public buildings damaged. Conciliatory Prime Minister Sharif-Emami resigns. (Taheri p.234)
1978 November 5-6? - Shah responds to riots by addressing the nation on TV telling them: `As Shah of Iran as well as an Iranian citizen, I cannot but approve your revolution.` Pro-Shah forces further demoralized. (Taheri p.235)
The Islamic Revolution and Aftermath
The Return of Khomeini.
The Elimination of the Threat of Military Putsch.
The Elimination of the Shah's Elite,
(November 1978 - April 1979)
1978 November 27 - Millions celebrate throughout the country weeping and jumping at having seen Khomeini's face in the moon after rumour sweeps the land that the Imam's face will so appear on this night. Even Tudeh Party embraces the story. (Taheri p.238)
1978 December 10-11 - Tasu'a and Ashura. As many as 17 million people "up and down the country march peacefully demanding the removal of the Shah and return of Khomeini." (Moin p.196) 17-point resolution is presented during the demo "declaring the Ayatollah to be the leader of the Iranian people," and calling on Iranians to struggle until the Shah is overthrown. (Graham p.238) U.S. Carter administration and Shah torn between supporting Iranian popular opinion and "tough line." (Moin p.196)
1979 January 10 - Khomeini unveils plan to public saying: `according to religious right and based on the vote of the confidence by an absolute majority of the people in me [in the form of large December protest demonstrations], a council called the Islamic Revolutionary Council has been formed.` (Moin p.197)
1979 January 12 - Khomeini sets up a "Council of Islamic Revoution with the task of establishing a transitional government. The names of its members ... not disclosed." (Arjomand p.134)
1979 January 16 - Shah leaves country `on vacation,` never to return. (Moin p.198)
1979 February 1 - Khomieni returns to Iran (Moin p.197) as "undisputed leader of one of the major revolutionary movements in modern history." (Moin p.199)
1979 February 5 - Announcement of appointment of Mehdi Bazargan as provisional prime minister (in competition with Shah-appointed prime minister Bakhtiar) by Khomeini. Bazargan's moderate, democrat (but pious) reputation and demeanor "smooth the transition of power." Bazargan was charged with preparation of a referendum on an Islamic Republic to be followed by election of a Constituent Assembly (Moin p.203) `I hereby pronounce Bazargan as the Ruler, and since I have appointed him, he must be obeyed,` says Khomeini, proclaiming disobedience of `God's government ... a revolt against God. Revolt against God is blasphemy.` (Moin p.204)
1979 February 7 - Large rallies "in support of Bazargan's premiership." Counter-rallies the next day by Bakhtiar very small, "further exposing his lost cause." (Moin p.205)
1979 February 8 - "Hundreds of air force technicians descend upon [Khomeini's headquarters at] the Refah School to pledge an oath of allegiance to Khomeini." Imperial Guard `Immortals` attack air force bases. People's Fedaiyan and Mojahedin-e Khalq rush to their defense. Fighting spreads to the rest of Tehran. Police and army barracks attacked. Arsenals looted. (Moin p.198)
1979 February 10 - Bakhtiar announces curfew in an "attempt to resist the inevitable." Khomeini instructed his followers to ignore it. Jihad to be proclaimed by Khomeini against any army units that do not surrender. (Moin p.205-6)
1979 February 11 - Bakhtiar government collapses. To stop collapse of the military, Supreme Military Council declares itself "neutral in the current political disputes ... in order to prevent further disorder and bloodshed" and orders "all military personnel to return to base." Revolution triumphs over the military. Bakhtiar goes into hiding and flees country shortly thereafter. (Moin p.206)
1979 February 15 - First Revolutionary Tribunals convene (in secret). (Mackey p.290) Executions of Shah's henchmen begin. "Four leading generals" tried and shot at Khomeini's headquarters at Refah School. (Moin p.207)
1979 March 31 - referendum approved the establishment of an Islamic republic with Khomeini in de facto control. 97% vote yes.
1979 April 7 - long-serving prime minister Amir Abbas Hoveida executed (shot), after being found a `doer of mischief on earth` (Mackey p.290), despite attempts of Bazargan's government and human rights lawyers to "organize a proper trial" for him. "Within a short period over 200 of the Shah's senior officials followed Hoveida to their graves." (Moin p.208)
Crushing the Peaceful Democratic Opposition.
(February - August 1979)
1979 February-December - Revolutionary Islamic groups take the stage: Islamic Revolutionary Party, Hezbollah, Komitehs, Revolutionary Guards. They ensure supremacy of clerical rule by outmaneuvering, intimidating, physically attacking opponents and "undesirable allies." (Moin p.210-2)
1979 March 1 - Warning that democracy is not in the cards. Khomeini returns to Qom. Addressing a great crowd he proclaims: `What the nation wants is an Islamic republic: not just a republic, not a democratic republic, not a democratic Islamic republic. Do not use this term, `democratic.` That is the Western style.`" (p.73 The Reign of the Ayatollahs by Shaul Bakhash)
Move to Qom from Tehran in theory means he surrenders control over day-to-day decision making back in Tehran. In practice it means the power center moves to Qom were non-clerics have little access to power. Another proclamation: "Western laws must be abolished and replaced with Islamic law. We will uproot all Western cultural influence ..." (Moin p.215)
1979 March (early) - Beginning of Islamization of government. Khomeini directs "the Minister of Justice to eliminate from the Family Protection Act any passages contradicting Islamic principles." (Benard/Khalilzad p.98)
1979 Spring, late - Exclusion of other elements from power by Revolutionary Council and Islamic Republican Party "begins to show." Becomes clear Bazargan has little power compared to shadow government of Khomeini, Revolutionary Council. (Moin p.215)
1979 April - Complaints against hegemony of Islamic Republican Party and power of revolutionary courts from Ayatollah Taeqani, Karim Sanjabi, Ayatollah Shari'atmadari, Qomi and many other. (Moin p.210-2)
1979 June 5 - Warning to Intellectuals to piss off. Khomeini proclaims `Who are they that wish to divert our Islamic movement from Islam? ... It was the mosques that created this Revolution, the mosques that brought this movement into being ... Intellectuals, do not be Western-style intellectuals, imported intellectuals,; do your share to preserve the mosques.` (Arjomand p.137)
1979 June 14 - Official preliminary draft of the constitution published. (Schirazi p.24) Draft constitution contains Council of Guardians to veto unIslamic legislation, but no Velayat-e faqih. Khomeini declares it `correct.` (Moin p.217)
1979 June 15 - At the same time he supports the draft constitution Khomeini declares liberal and leftwing groups advocating a Constituent Assembly to be `counter-revolutionaries` against Islam. "No `Westernised jurists` are needed, only `noble members of the clergy.`" (Moin p.217) "Campaign launched to popularised the idea of the velayat-e faqih," hitherto virtually unknown to most Iranians. (Moin p.218)
1979 June 18 - Khomeini turns on Islamic moderates/democratics, denounced them as enemies of Islam. [Kayhan 18.6.79 from Schirazi]
1979 Summer - New party, the National Democratic Front of Iran, launched as opposition to Khomeini regime. Supports Constituent Assembly and free press. Draws large crowds which are "ferociously attacked by gangs of Hezbollahi toughs." (Moin p.218)
1979 Summer - First Assembly of Experts elected. Vote boycotted by opponents. "Vote-rigging, violence against undesirable candidates and the dissemination of false information used to produce an assembly overwhelmingly dominated by clergy loyal to Khomeini." (Moin p.218)
1979 August 7 - Ayandegan, "the daily newspaper with the widest circulation, which had agitated against Velayat-e faqih" is banned under new press law for "counter-revolutionary policies and acts." Assembly of Experts begins deliberations. (Kayhan, 20.8.78-21.8.78,` quoted in Schirazi p.51) (New York Times)
1979 August 8 - demonstrators gather in Tehran to protest closing of Ayandegan. In the next three days 41 newspapers and periodicals are prohibited. (Kayhan 20.8.78-21.8.78, quoted in Schirazi p.51)
1979 August 10 - Khomeini tells Assembly of Experts delegates those who campaigned against the Assembly of Experts and in defence of Ayandegan newspaper are `wild animals. We will not tolerate them any more... After each revolution several thousand of these corrupt elements are executed in public and burnt and the story is over. They are not allowed to publish newspapers. ... We will close all parties except the one, or a few which act in a proper manner ... we all made mistakes. we thought we were dealing with human beings. It is evident we are not.` (Moin p.219)
1979 August 12 - More demonstrations. National Democratic Front schedules a mass demonstration to protest the closure of newspapers like Ayandegan. Demonstration is "viciously attacked by Hebollah thugs." (Moin p.219-20) Hundreds are injured by rocks, clubs, chains and iron bars. The next day Khomeini supporters attack and loot offices of leftist groups in retaliation for demonstrations. (New York Times)
1979 August, mid to late - End of peaceful resistance to Khomeini's Islamization. Warrant issued for arrest of Hedayat Matin Daftari, one of the National Democratic Front's leaders. 26 major newspapers and magazines closed. Hezbollah attacks office of People's Feda'iyan. (Moin p.219-20)
Hostage Crisis and Approval of Theocratic Constitution
(October 1979-January 1980)
1979 October 14 - Assembly of Experts approves Khomeini as the vali-ye faqih with "command of the armed forces and veto power over all candidates for the Majlis and the presidency." Referendum approving this to come. (Mackey p.293)
1979 October (date ?, probably same as above) - Assembly of Experts produces theocratic new constitution including velayt-e faqih position. Now that the National Democratic Front has been crushed the constitution faces strong opposition from People's Mohahedin, People's Feda'iyan, ethnic minorities, Shari'atmadari's Muslim People's Republican Party. (Moin p.226)
1979 October 22 - Cancer ridden Shah allowed to United States for medical treatment. Khomeini furious at this "evidence of American plotting." Heightens rhetoric against `Great Satan.` (Moin p.220)
1979 November 1 - Prime Minister Bazargan photo-ed shaking hands with Zbigniew Brzezinski at meeting in Algeria. (Radical) Iranian media eager to attack moderates alerts the "nation of the return of American influence." (Moin p.221)
1979 November 4 - Iranian militants seize the U.S. embassy in Tehran and hold 66 occupants hostage, demanding the return of the shah from the U.S. Khomeini waits a few days to see if moderate Iranians or the U.S. will do anything to stop them, then supports hostage-takers. 52 hostages held for 444 days. (Moin p.221)
1979 November 6 - Bazargan offers his resignation, "unable to muster" support for "eviction of the students." Khomeini immediately accepts. (Moin p.221)
1979 November - Hostage crisis divides opposition. Leftist guerilla organizations abandon fight against Khomeini's new theocratic constitution to side with the anti-imperialist assertiveness of hostage-taking. Referendum scheduled for Dec. 3. (Moin p.227)
1979 November - Anti-theocratic opposition now rallies behind Grand Ayatollah Shari'atmadari and a few other clerical opponents of Khomeini (Ayatollah Reza Zanjani and Qomi.) (Moin p.229)
1979 November - Attacks by state-controlled media on MPRP and Shari'atmadari. Riots in Shari'atmadari's Azeri home region. Demonstrations and counter-demonstrations. (Moin p.231)
1979 December 3 - Referendum of new constitution passes with massive endorsement but much lower turnout because of boycott. Khomeini becomes vali-ye faqih (Moin p.232)
1979 December 6 - Khomeini meets with Shari'atmadari and delivers "what appears to have been an ultimatum." (Moin p.231)
1980 January - Many of Shari'atmadari aides put under house arrest in Qom. Muslim People's Republican Party no longer a player. (Moin p.232)
Bani Sadr v. Mullahs
(February 1980-June 1981)
1980 January - Presidential election. Mujahedin-e Khalq finally breaks with Khomeini after its leader Masoud Rajavi is barred from running for president by Supreme Leader Khomeini. (Mackey p.304)
1980 February 4 - Bani Sadr (one of Khomeini's three vizers while in France) receives Khomeini's confirmation following his (Bani Sadr's) election as president. Appoints Bani-Sadr Commander-in-Chief. Bani-Sadr is immediately beset by mullahs undermining his power. Confusion over the constitutional role of the president and opposition by "shrewd mullahs" of the IRP. Khomeini takes neutral stance towards Bani Sadr. Appoints Ayatollah Behesti as chief justice to proceed with "Islamisation of the law." (Moin p.233-4)
1980 March 21 - Cultural revolution begins. In New Year's speech, Khomeini inveighs against `imperialist universities` where those `cloaked with the West` teach and study. `The universities must become Islamic.` (Benard/Khalilzad p.116)
1980 March-May - First and second rounds of Parliamentary elections. Islamic Republican Party mobilises "network among clergy, komitehs and the revolutionary guard." Hezbollah attacks rallies and offices of opposition parties (mostly the Mojahedin-e Khalq, as they are nearly the only opposition group left standing). The Mohahedin-e Khalq - erstwhile revolutionary allies against the Shah - are attacked by Khomeini as elteqati (eclectic), contaminated with Gharbzadeqi ("the Western plague"), and as monafeqin (hypocrits) and kafer (unbelievers) (Moin p.234, 239)
1980 April 24 - Hostage rescue attempt by US military fails after sandstorm causes crash of helicopter into C-130 transport plane killing 8 servicemen. Khomeini credits divine intervention on behalf of Islam. His prestige is greatly enhanced as "Bani-Sadr simply could not compete with God." (Mackey p.298)
1980 May - Parliamentary elections results show clergy dominating parliament. Islamic Republican Party has 85 members, but far more influence. Bani Sadr has "no more than a handful of supporters among the deputies." No Mohahedin-e Khalq candidates elected. Widespread accusations of election malpractice. (Moin p.234)
1980 July - Purge of Westernized elements in the state bureaucracy begins. "Some 20,000 teachers and nearly 8000 officers were discharged." (Arjomand p.144)
1980 July 27 - Shah dies of cancer.
1980 August - Bani Sadr forced to accept IRP-oriented prime minister he declares "incompetent," Ali Raja'i. (In theory, Iran's president is supposed to appoint the prime minister). (Moin p.234-5)
1980 September 22 - Iraq invades Iran. Bani Sadr/IRP disputes continue. Bani Sadr commands regular army. Revolutionary Guards take orders from clerics. (Moin p.235)
1980 Nov. Dec.(?) - Mohahedin-e Khalq leadership "virtually driven underground" by its vigorous campaign against the government on all fronts. (Moin p.239)
1981 January - Muslim People's Republican Party (Hezb-e Jomhuri-ye Khalq-e Mosalman) banned. (Schrazi p.125)
1981 January 20 - U.S. Embassy hostages freed just before the inauguration of a new, more hard line U.S. president (Reagan) soon to be inaugurated.
1981 March 5 - Rally led by Bani Sadr to commemorate death of Mosaddeq. Protected by People's Mojahedin who disarm Hezbollah thugs and find IRP membership cards in their pockets. Bani Sadr now rallying point "for all doubters and dissidents" of the theocracy, including People's Mojahedin. (Moin p.238)
1981 March 15 - Meeting called by Khomeini to attempt a reconciliation between Bani-Sadr and IRP leaders. (Bakhash p.153)
1981 Spring - Major media battle between Bani Sadr's Enqelab-e Islami and IRP-controlled media. (Moin p.237)
1981 June 8 - Bani Sadr calls for "resistance to dictatorship" in speech at air base. Khomeini counters with speech declaring that street demonstrations in opposition to the law are a dictatorial act. Bani Sadr counters accusing Khomeini of trying to destroy the country by refusing to allow "a competent government to introduce modern and democratic policies." (Moin p.239-40)
1981 June 10 - Bani Sadr stripped of title of commander-in-chief of the armed forces by Khomeini. (Moin p.240)
1981 June 15 - Big Rally planned by National Front to unite Bani Sadr, the moderates and left against Khomeini, IRP and their terrorizing of the opposition. Rally flops after threatening last minute speech by Khomeini and show of force by Islamist forces in rally square. (Bakhash p.158-9)
1981 June 20 - Majlis to vote to impeach Bani Sadr. All opposition groups (except the Tudeh Party and majority faction of the Feda'iyan Khalq) take to the streets to march against dictatorship. As many as 500,000 march in Tehran. Protestors attacked by Hezbollah armed with chains and sticks. Shoot out between guerillas and Revolutionary Guard. 20 killed. A thousand arrested. (Moin p.240)
1981 June 21 - Majlis votes to impeach Bani Sadr 177 to 1. In secret hideout Bani Sadr issues call for mass uprising. More than 50 opponents of the religious leadership killed in the streets and prisons. Wave of sympathy for Mojahedin. (Moin p.240) Mojahedin begins doomed armed struggle against Khomeinists. (Keddie p.253)
Khomeini v. Mojahedin-e Khalq, Terror and Counter Terror
(June 1981-1982)
1981 June 28 - Large bomb blows up Islamic Republican Party headquarters killing 70, including Beheshti, four cabinet ministers and 25 deputees of parliament. Country stunned. Mojahedin blamed, does not claim or deny responsibility. All-out war waged against them, National Front and other opposition groups. Execution of opposition figures in prison stepped up. (Moin p.241-2) (Keddie p.253)
1981 July (mid) - Bani Sadr escapes to Paris. (Moin p.243)
1981 June 21-Dec - Represssion intensifies. 2,946 executions in the 12 months following Bani-Sadr's impeachment. (Bakhash, p.221-222)
1981 July 6 - Mojahedin assassinates Hojjat al-Islam Shari'ati-Fard in Gilan. (Moin p.242)
1981 August 4 - Mojahedin assassinates Dr. Hassan Ayat in Tehran. (Moin p.242)
1981 August 30 - Bomb attributed to the Mojahedin assassinates President Mohammad ali Raja'i and recently appointed prime minister Mohammad Javad Bahonar. (Moin p.242)
1981 Sept 5 - chief public prosecutor announces that the "Islamic ordinances will be applied to small groups" ("small groups" being the regime's name for opposition organisations) (Scharzi p.127)
1981 September 11 - Mojahedin assassinates Ayatollah Madani in Tabriz. (Moin p.242)
1981 September 29 - Mojahedin assassinates Hojjat al-Islam A.K. Hasemi-Nejad in Mashhad. (Moin p.242)
1981 June-Dec. - Amnesty International estimates 2500 executions of political dissidents by Islamic Republican government. (Moin p.242)
1982 (early) - Mojahedin commander Musa Khiabani killed and his hideout destroyed in Tehran. Mojahedin threat wanes. (Moin p.243) and Khomeinists are strengthened. (Keddie p.253)
1982 January - Leftist group Communist League, takes over "the small northern city of Amol." Is "quickly" retaken by the government. Most of the Communist League leaders "captured and executed." (Keddie p.254)
1982 Spring - Plot by former supporter Qotzadeh and "up to 70 army officers" to assassinate Khomeini uncovered. Ayatollah Shari'atmadari implicated and is `defrocked` and forced to make public repentance on television. "Unprecedented intervention" in Shi'i religious institution. (Moin p.252)
1982 Summer - Government launches "major assault" against "Kurdish rebel-held territory" in the north. Several non-Kurdish leftist groups had joined the Kurdish Democratic Party in the north and the KDP had joined the National Council of Resistance. But the government recaptures "virtually all" KDP territory within a year and a half. (Keddie p.254)
1984 July - Iranian Government completes reconquest of Kurdish territory. KDP driven into Iraq. Only surviving leftist groups in Iran are the pro-government Kudeh party and "Feda'iyan majority" (Keddie p.254)
Clergy and Clerical Politics
1981 October 2 - Hojjat al-Islam Ali Khamene'i elected as the third president of the Islamic Republic (Mackey p.307)
1981 October 20 - Hojjat al-Islam Ali Khamene'i takes over as the third president of the Islamic Republic (Moin p.245)
1981 - Khomeini encourages mollahs to come forward and take over key positions in the government and the civil service: `Islam is a religio-political faith. Its worship contains politics and its political affairs contain worship.` (Moin p.245)
1982 April - Shari'atmadari "demoted" from the rank of Grand Ayatollah. In "move unprecedented in Shi'ite history, 17 of the 45 professors of the Qom theological seminaries were prevailed upon to issue a declaration `demoting` Shari'atmadari" (Arjomand, p.156)
1982 May-June - Pro-Shari'atmadari `ulama purged.. "Leading pro-Khomeini clerics ... purge ... pro-Shari'atmadari `ulama and of other `pseudo-clerics` reluctant to accept the Velayat-e Faqih. The Society of Militant Clergy was put in charge of confirming the true clerics." (Arjomand, p.156)
1982 December 15 - Khomeini makes 8-point decree effectively instructing the courts to ensure that people's rights and the due process of Islamic law". Hezbollah brought under control temporarily. (Taheri p.289)
1985 November - Khomeini's successor named. Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri named deputy Velyat-e Faqih (Moin p.262)
1987 Islamic revolutionary Party disolved. In part because of factional infighting between populists and conservatives, inpart because it has "hadly any role" and does "almost nothing" now that all its non-Khomeinist rivals have been eliminated. (Keddie p.260)
1987 December - Overriding Islamic Shari'ah law. Khomeini authorizes the government to punish hoarders without going to court. Introduces a bill cutting off essential services from companies which do not pay their taxes. Is challenged by the Guardian Council. Khomeini decrees the Islamic Government of Iran is the continuation of prophecy and Islamic rule pioneered by the Prophet. (Moin p.259)
1988 January 1 - In a Jumu'ah Khutbah, President Ali Khamene'i suggests Khomeini meant that the government should act within the rules of Islam. (Moin p.260)
1988 January 7 - Khomeini sternly corrects Khamene'i. `Islamic government, which stems from the absolute velayat ... is one of the primary injunctions in Islam, taking precedence over all subsidiary precepts, even praying, fasting and performing the Haj...` (Brumberg, p.135-6)
1989 January - Khomeini sends letter to Soviet leader Mikhael Gorbachev inviting him to Islam (thus following in the footsteps of the Prophet (SAW) and the letters sent to emperors of Byzantium, Ethiopia and Persia). Letters advise Gorbachev to study Islam, specifically the works of Ibn Arabi, Avicenna and Sohravardi, all famous mystical philosophers. Orthodox ulema attacks Khomeini's (unorthodox) choice of suggested reading. Khomeini replies with an attack of `stupid reactionary mollahs` in a television address a few weeks later. (Moin p.275-6) ( p.260)
The Revolution and the Economy
1979 June 8 - Banking system nationalized. (Mackey p.340)
1979 June 25 - Privately owned insurance companies nationalized. (Mackey p.340)
1979 July 5 - Sweeping nationalization measure: "Law for the Protection and Expansion of Iranian Industry" passed. Included most of the privately industry and much of the businesses (Mackey p.340)
1980 June - Dwellings left empty by fleeing owners seized by government. (Mackey p.340)
1980 April - Revolutionary Council approves sweeping land reform law. (Mackey p.342)
1980 November - Vali-e Faqih Ayatollah Khomeini suspends land reform. (Mackey p.342)
1983 August - interst-free banking bill approved, "though, as elsewhere in the Musilm world, the system then established" does "not bring much change." (Keddie p.257)
1987 June - Islamic Republic Party (a big supporter of state control of the economy) is disbanded by Vali-e Faqih Khomeini. (Mackey p.348)
1992 March - Protest by disabled war veterans against the mismanagement of the Foundation of the Disinherited. (Mackey p.361)
1992 May 30 - Protest by squatters against demolition of shantytowns in Mashhad. Government buildings set fire, including city's main library with rare Qur'ans. (Mackey p.361) Protests brutally suppressed (Keddie p.267)
1993 January - Mob attacks on grocery stores in protest against rise in subsidized milk prices. (Mackey p.362)
1994 March - Reduction or elimination of subsidies to state-run services begins. Price increase: telecommunications 60%, gas 100%, electricity at plants and factories 300%. (Mackey p.365)
1995 April - Akbarabad shantytown on the edge of Tehran explodes in protest over bus fare increases. 30 people die. (Mackey p.366)
1995 April - total U.S. embargo on dealings with Iran imposed by Clinton after "pressure from Congress and the pro-Israeli lobby. Trade with the U.S., which had been growing following the end of the Iran-Iraq war ends abruptly. (Keddie p.265)
1995 Summer - Foreign debt at $40 billion. Average per capita income 1/4 that of 1979. Rafsanjani calls for wider use of Muta (termporary marriage) since few can afford permanent marriage. (Mackey p.366)
War with Iraq
1979 July - Saddam Hussein officially takes over presidency of Iraq.
Ayatollah Khomeini goes on Tehran Radio to describe him (Saddam) as `a puppet of Satan.` (Mackey p.317)
1980 April 8 - Broadcast call by Khomeini for the pious of Iraq to
overthrow Saddam and his regime. Al-Dawa al-Islamiya party in Iraqi is the hoped for catalyst to start rebellion. (Mackey
1980 September 22 - Iraq invades Iran. Invading force bogs down
after small territorial gain.(Moin p.235)
1981 September - Iran counter attacks. Iraqi siege of Abadan,
site of key oil installation, broken. (Moin p.248)
1982 May - Khorramshahr, the country's main port, is recaptured by
Iran. (Moin p.248)
1982 June - Ba'ath Party Revolutionary Command Council meets in Baghdad
and issues peace offer to Iran. Offer is rejected by Khomeini. (Bulloch p.xvi)
1982 July (mid) - Iranian forces turn the tables and launch their first
invasion of Iraq itself. Human waves of Basij volunteers between ages of 10 and 16 used to clear Iraqi minefields. Khomeini
calls the war `God's hidden gift.` (Moin p.249, 51)
1983 February - Tudeh (Communist) party, the last remaining
secular, non-Khomeinist political group, crushed following its failure to support Khomeini's war against Iraq (an ally of the
Soviet Union, the leading Communist state). Members accused of "treason, espionage and conspiracy." Party disbanded.
(Schirazi p.127)
1984 - "War of the Cities" missile attacks between Iran and
Iraq. Tehran not hit. (Moin p.267)
1985 - Conditions in Iran worsen. Materiel from Shah's depots
has run out. Inflation at 35%. Government's refusal to negotiate becomes increasingly unpopular. (Mackey p.325)
1985 April 10 - Anti-government demonstrations break out in Aban
district of Tehran. Spread to other districts and cities. Are crushed by vigilantes within two weeks. (Mackey p.325)
1986 February 11 - Fao Peninsula captured at the cost of thousands of
lives putting Iran within 50 miles of Basra. Biggest Iranian victory since the recapture of Khorramshahr in 1982. First
capture of a sizeable amount of Iraqi territory. Still no negotiation with Iraq. (Mackey p.327)
1986 November 3 - Iran Contra arms dealing makes headlines. President
Hashemi Rafsanjani embarrassed. (Mackey p.327)
1987 - Domestic conditions in Iran worsen. Cost of low-grade beef
reaches $14/lbs. Unemployment reaches almost 40%. (Mackey p.330)
1987 March - U.S. agrees to protect Kuwaiti tankers against Iran by
reflagging and escorting them. (Keddie p.259)
1987 July - UN Security Council passes Resolution 598 calling for a
cease-fire; Iraq accepts, Iran does not respond. (Keddie p.259)
1987 September - U.S. destroys first of a number of Iranian ships and
oil platforms, "partly in response to Iranian attacks on U.S.-flagged ships." (Keddie p.259)
1988 January - Mounting economic problems, and progressive
demoralisation among the both Iranian troops and civilians. Soldier deserting the war front. Conscription period increased.
International black market for arms (which Iran is dependent on) tightens. (Moin p.267)
1988 February 28 - Iraqi Scud missile attacks on Tehran begin.
An estimated quarter of the population leaves the capital during month-long attacks. (Moin p.267)
1988 April 18 - Chemical attacks by Iraqis drive Iranian troops from
the "dearly won" Faw peninsula. American navy blows up two Iranian oil rigs, destroys a frigate, sinks a missile boat. (Moin
1988 July 3 - Iranian Air flight shot down by
American warship. 290 civilians killed. Shooting is a mistake but a "reckless" one "in view of the information
available to the captain." (Keddie p.259) Iranian public reacts more with despair and helplessness than outrage. (Moin
1988 July 18 - Ceasefire. Iran announces it will unconditionally
accept United Nations Security Council resolution 598. Massive psychological shock to Iranians after enormous sacrifices of
the war. (Moin p.269)
Post-War Fallout: Rushdie Fatwa and
Montazeri's Removal
1987 November - Designated successor to Khomeini Ayatollah Hussein-Ali
Montazeri "challenges" the "claim that political parties" are "irrelevant," and demands that the `law on political parties` be
implemented. (Moin p.277)
1988 - Designated successor Montazeri begins to become more liberal
calling for open assessment of failures and ceases his support of the export of revolution, claiming Iran should only be an
example. (Keddie p.260) In private letter to Khomeini, Montazeri argues it is wrong to execute people who have already been
tried and served their sentence. (Moin p.279)
1988 February - Khomeini criticizes Montazeri and one month later calls
for a meeting of the Assembly of Experts to discuss him. (Keddie p.260)
1988 July 20 - Invasion of Iran by People's Mojahedin from its military
base in Iraq. Generates zero political support in Iran. Advance defeated in two days. Hundreds of Mojahedin killed. (Moin
1988 Late summer and early autumn - "New reign of
terror" against political prisoners. Khomeini appoints three-man commission, secretly telling them to determine
which political prisoners have sincerely recanted and which have not. Those that have are released. Those that have not are
executed. Amnesty International documents 3000 killed. Other sources estimate between 6000-10,000
executed. Most dead are Mojahedin but many are nonviolent demonstrators. (Moin p.278)
1989 January - End of series of lectures by designated successor
Ayatollah Hussein-Ali Montazeri in which he indicates support for a "far more open" polity, including freedom for political
parties to operate. Opposes mass executions of political prisoner. (Moin p.279)
1989 January - Montazeri goes public with criticism in daily newspaper
Kayhan. (Moin p.279)
1989 January - Dissent within Khomeini power base. January/February
issue of hardline journal Pasdar-e Islam complains against new moderate policies allowing some kinds of music to be
played on radio and television, chess playing and use of eau de cologne. (Moin p.281-2)
1989 February 14 - fatwa issued by Khomeini calling for death of
British author, Salman Rushdie, for his book Satanic Verses. Khomeini's bid for leadership of Islamic world.
Refocuses energies of supporters demoralised by long, bloody, unsuccessful war. (Moin p.282-4)
1989 February 16 - President Khamene'i suggests if Rushdie apologises
and disowns the book, people may forgive him." (Moin p.284)
1989 February 18 - Rushdie issues a carefully-worded statement
regretting `profoundly the distress the publication has occasioned to the sincere followers of Islam...`(Moin
1989 February (late) - Khomeini refuses apology saying: `Even if Salman
Rushdie repents and become the most pious man of all time, it is incumbent on every Muslim to employ everything he has got,
his life and wealth, to send him to Hell.` (Moin p.284)
1989 February 22 - Khomeini counter attacks. Issues `Letter to Clergy`
defending his war waging in Iraq: `... we do not repent, nor are we sorry for even a single moment for our performance during
the war. Have we forgotten that we fought to fulfill our religious duty and that the result is a marginal issue?` (Moin
1989 March (early) - Montazeri letters condemning post-war wave of
executions published abroad and broadcast on BBC. Khomeini furious. (Moin p.287)
1989 March 26 - Heir apparent Montazeri fired. summons senior
leadership to sort out issue of succession. They advise against removal of Montazeri. Khomeini fires him anyway but agrees to
keep private his angry letter to Montazeri in which he calls Montazeri a "spokesman for the monafeqin" (hypocrites).
(Moin p.290)
1989 March 27 - Montazeri replies accepts his dismissal. "I ask all
brothers and sister not to utter a word in my support." (Moin p.289)
1989 March 28 - Khomeini announces Montazeri has resigned his post.
Following this Montazeri's title of grand ayatollah is withdrawn, publication of his lecture in Kayhan and reference to him
on the state radio stopped, his portraits collected from offices and mosques, security guard withdrawn. "Articles and
editorials appear in various newspapers aimed at dismantling" Montazeri's "impeccable" revolutionary credentials." (Moin
1989 April 24 - Constitutional change allowing supreme leader to be
low-level rather than leading cleric. Khomeini health failing. No recognized marja have "political credentials" he
wants. Khomeini calls special assembly for revising the Constitution to change vali-ye faqih job description to allow
for a cleric he approves of (Khamene'i) to succeed him. Vali-ye faqih no longer has to be a marja`. (Moin
1989 June 3 - Khomeini dies. Five days of national morning
declared. 40 days of official morning. Vast number of mourners delay funeral for a week. (Moin p.299, 304)
1989 June 4 - Khamane'i elected new supreme leader by Assembly
of Experts, having been recently "promoted" to Ayatollah. (Moin p.300?, Brumberg, p.146) Promotion to grand ayatollah is
"rejected by much of the clerical establishment in Qom." (Keddie, p.262)
1989 June 11 - Funeral. Millions mass funeral and graveyard. 10,000
injured, dozens killed in displays of grief. Khomeini's body is knocked to the ground and shroud ripped apart at graveyard.
Body brought back to north Tehran to be reshrouded. Helicopters carrying it to and fro. (Moin p.304, 312-3)
1989 July 9 - New Constitution approved by national referendum. Acting
swiftly after the death of Khomeini, leading clerics complete draft of new constitution and prepare for vote. Changes include
removing requirement that the Supreme Leader be a marja`. (Brumberg p.146)
Post-Khomeini Period
1992 January - Satellite antennas start to appear on rooftops in
Tehran, hundreds of thousands begin watching previously unavailable Western Television broadcasts. (Satrapi, p.170)
1994 April 15 - Minister of the interior, `Ali Mohammad Besharati
announces that the government has forbidden satellite antennas. (Schirazi, p.243) Enforcement of ban is not successful.
1997 May 23 - "Reformist" candidate Mohammad Khatami is elected
President with 70% of the vote. Running on a platform of rule of law and democracy he receives heavy female and youth
support. But during his two terms is unable to prevail in repeated clashes with the hardline and conservative Islamists in
the government.
1997 November - Grand Ayatollah Montazeri put under house arrest
after saying that Supreme Leader Khamene'i was not competent to issue religious rulings. (Keddie p.283)
1998 Sept - Iran deploys thousands of troops on its border with
Afghanistan after the Taleban admits killing eight Iranian diplomats and a journalist in Mazar-e Sharif.
1998 Nov. 22-Dec. 9 - Critics of the government
found murdered. Jafar Pouyandeh, a translator and writer; Mohammad Mokhtari, a writer and poet; Majid Sharif, a prominent
writer and political critic; Darioush Forouhar, and his wife Parvaneh Forouhar (née Eskandari) are all murdered or found dead
under suspicious circumstances. (
In the following months, journalist Akbar Ganji links the former president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, and other leading
conservative figures to the murders. Ganji is arrested a year later for attending an academic and cultural conference on
"Iran after the elections," in Berlin. He's sentenced on January 13, 2001 to 10 years' imprisonment plus five years'
internal exile. (
1999 July - Pro-democracy students at Tehran University hold a
demonstration following the closure of the reformist newspaper 'Salam'. Clashes with the security forces and basij lead to
six days of rioting and the arrest of over 1,000 students. ( "Several students" are killed and "many more" are
injured. (Nasr,
2000 February 18 - Liberals and supporters of Khatami win 170 of the
290 seats in the Majlis elections held February, thus gaining control of parliament previously dominated by the conservatives
since the 1979 Islamic revolution. Hard-liners win only 44 seats. An additional 65 seats will be decided in run-offs.
2000 April 23 - Judiciary bans publication of 16 reformist newspapers,
following the adoption of a new press law. (
2000 May 27 - Inauguration of the Sixth parliament.
2000 August 1 - Senior clerics issue a religious decree, or fatwa,
allowing women to lead religious congregations of women worshippers. (
2000 September - Satellite TV broadcasts from USA to Iran.
Iranian-American Zia Atabay's Los Angeles-based, Farsi-language National Iranian Television (NITV), realizes its broadcasts
are reaching Iran after NITV call-in show receives a telephone call from Isfahan. Station responds with appeals to Iranians
and interviews of Reza Pahlavi. Enthusiasm for American-based Iranian opposition flags after a couple of years.
2001 April - Iran and Saudi Arabia (formerly bitter foes) sign major
security accord to combat terrorism, drug trafficking and organised crime. (
2001 June 8 - President Khatami re-elected for a second term after
winning just under 77% of the vote. (
2001 September 12 - Thousands of Iranians in Tehran stage candlelight
vigil for Americans killed in 9/11 attack. (
2002 January 29 - "Axis of evil" speech. US President George
Bush describes Iran, along with North Korea and Saddam's Iraq, as an "axis of evil". Warns that the proliferation of
long-range missiles being developed in these countries is as great a danger to the US as terrorism. The speech causes outrage
in Iran and is condemned by reformists and conservatives alike. (
2002 September - Russian technicians begin construction of Iran's first
nuclear reactor at Bushehr despite strong objections from US. (
2002 Autumn - Repression of pollsters. Authorized public opinion
researchers Abbas Abdi, Hossein-Ali Ghazian, and Behrooz Geranpayeh are arrested and later tried and sentenced to several
years in prison for taking and publishing the results of a poll finding that 74% of respondents favor negotiating with the
United States and 64% favor opening relations with the United States. (Keddie p.281,
2002 Autumn - polls indicate dissatisfaction 94% of those polled
say Iran is in urgent need of reform and 71% back a referendum to choose a new form of government. (Keddie p.281, source:
Economist, Jan 19, 2003, Survey: Iran "A Secular Democracy in Waiting.")
2002 November 6 - Death Sentence Hashem Aghajari sentenced to
death for speech in June rejecting the doctrine that all Shi'i should follow a leading cleric and saying that imitation was
for monkeys. (Keddie p.280; ) Sentence is later reduced to three years in
2003 February - Iranian government no longer allows stoning as
punishment. (Keddie p.283)
2003 June - Thousands attend student-led protests in Tehran against
clerical establishment. (
2003 August - Diplomatic crisis with UK over arrest of former Iranian
ambassador to Argentina, sought by Buenos Aires on warrant alleging complicity in 1994 Jewish centre bombing.
2003 September - UN nuclear watchdog gives Tehran weeks to prove that
it is not pursuing atomic weapons programme. (
2003 November - Grand Ayatollah Montazeri freed from house
arrest after his health deteriorates and calls grow for his release. "More than 100 Iranian legislators" call on
President Khatami "to lift restrictions on Montazeri." Government is thought to not want to risk popular backlash should he
die while in custody. (Keddie p.283)
Conservative Clampdown
2004 February - Conservatives gain control of parliament in
controversial elections; their win is consolidated in a second round of voting in May. Thousands of reformist candidates were
disqualified by the hardline Council of Guardians before the polls. (
2004 June - Iran is rebuked by the IAEA for failing to fully cooperate
with an inquiry into its nuclear activities.
2004 November - Iran agrees to suspend most of its uranium enrichment
as part of a deal with the EU.
More than 400 people are killed in an earthquake in the southern province of Kerman.
2005 June - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Tehran's ultra-conservative mayor,
wins a run-off vote in presidential elections, defeating cleric and former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
2005 August-September - Tehran says it has resumed uranium conversion
at its Isfahan plant and insists the programme is for peaceful purposes. An IAEA resolution finds Iran in violation of the
nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
2005 Oct. 26 - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls for Israel
to be "wiped out from the map," quoting the late Ayatollah Khomeini. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and other world
leaders express "dismay" over the comment.
2005 December - A military aircraft crashes in a Tehran suburb. More
than 100 people are killed. ( Crash blamed in part on Iran's aging air fleet and US sanctions which have made
spare parts unavailable.
2006 January - Iran breaks IAEA seals at its Natanz nuclear research
facility and says it intends to enrich uranium at the plant.
Bomb attacks in the southern city of Ahvaz - the scene of sporadic unrest in recent months - kill eight people and injure
more than 40. (
Persian Student Association.
Abrahamian, Ervand, Iran Between Two Revolutions by Ervand Abrahamian, Princeton University Press, 1982
Abrahamian, Ervand, Khomeinism : Essays on the Islamic Republic by Ervand Abrahamian Berkeley : University of California Press, c1993.
Arjomand, Said Amir, The Turban for the Crown : The Islamic Revolution in Iran, Oxford University Press, c1988
Benard, Cheryl, "The Government of God" - Iran's Islamic Republic
by Cheryl Benard and Zalmay Khalilzad, Columbia University Press, 1984
Bakhash, Shaul, Reign of the Ayatollahs : Iran and the Islamic Revolution by Shaul, Bakhash, Basic Books, c1984
Bulloch, John, The Gulf War : It's Origins, History and Consequences by John Bulloch and Harvey Morris, London : Methuen London, 1989.
Brumberg, Daniel, Reinventing Khomeini : The Struggle for Reform in Iran by Daniel Brumberg, University of Chicago
Press 2001,
Harney, Desmond, The Priest and the King : An Eyewitness Account of the Iranian Revolution, Tauris Publishers, 1998
Keddie, Nikki, Modern Iran : Roots and Results of Revolution by Nikki Keddie, Yale University Press, 2003
Mackey, Sandra The Iranians : Persia, Islam and the Soul of a Nation, New York : Dutton, c1996.
Moin, Baqer, Khomeini: Life of the Ayatollah, Thomas Dunne Books, c2000
Nasr, Vali, "Shirin Ebadi's Troubled History, Don't Hold Your Breath" Post date: 06.06.2006
Issue date: 06.12.2006
Satrapi, Marjane, Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return, New York : Pantheon Books, c2004.
Schirazi, Asghar, The Constitution of Iran, Tauris, 1997
Taheri, Amir, The Spirit of Allah : Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution, Adler and Adler, c1985
Wright, Robin, The Last Great Revolution : Turmoil And Transformation In Iran, New York : Alfred A. Knopf :
Distributed by Random House, 2000.
Timeline: Iran
A chronology of key events: